Other than Legal Entity Set Up and taxes, BCENTRUM also handle business licenses and permits that you need for any kind of business. BCENTRUM has a professional team to help you apply business licenses and permit. We are here to make your life easier and our goal is your satisfaction.
So, what is business licensing and permit?
In order to be able to conduct any business in Indonesia legally, you need a business license and permits. You need to apply and if you have already fulfilled the all the requirements, then the government will then issue your business license.
Whether you have a small or a large company, obtaining a business license are mandatory. If you do not have any business licenses or permit, the government can close your business activities.
The newest government regulation to apply business licenses, NIB (Nomor Induk Berusaha), commercial and operational licenses, and other are through the OSS (Online Single-Submission).
For our assistance do not hesitate to contact us!!!